Climate Change Lessons
Our lessons have been written by subject teachers and climate change specialists. Starting with the Climate Action sustainable development goal, we have created a set of Big Ideas with learning outcomes and integrated them within existing topics taught in subject curricular. (Maths, MFL, Science, RE & Citizenship.)

We have used the UN's Sustainable Development Goal for Climate Action as a starting point to develop a set of Big Ideas, providing a summary of the most important things young people need to know about climate change by the time they leave school, complete with a set of learning outcomes.

Climate Curriculum
We have created a whole school framework with key terms and learning outcomes to help schools plan and assess their climate education from KS1 to KS4.

Curriculum frameworks, learning outcomes and lessons to support teaching and learning about the climate crisis

“The project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The contents of these actions are the sole responsibility of the contractor and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.”